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Why Raw?

What is B.A.R.F? 

B.A.R.F is the acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods or Bones And Raw Food. The premise of this diet consists of raw whole foods similar to those eaten by a dog’s ancestors…the wolf.  It mimics the way wolves and wild dogs eat in their natural habitat. These meals consists of muscle meat, bone, fat, organs meats, vegetable and fruit materials combined just as nature intended, an evolutionary diet fit for the digestive system of a carnivore / omnivore. This is not new. It’s only since the late 1930’s in the United States when processed pet foods and kibble became popular that people started to believe processed food was better, healthier and easier. One only needs to do a quick search on how processed dog food is manufactured and one would immediately ask themselves, “would I eat this myself?” Quick answer, NO!


Why feed raw?

This diet is the most digestible and absorbable species appropriate food. It provides nutrients in their whole, unaltered unprocessed form that have not been destroyed by heat. There are lots of dogs who have been fed commercial pet foods their entire lives and lived to a ripe old age. Why bother with raw when kibble works? Commercial dog food is unregulated and most are grain-based with insufficient meat protein. It is very well known that most pet food manufacturers use “garbage” from meat processing plants and poor grain quality to make their products. They can and often include and be not limited to:

  • euthanized animals & pets

  • diseased tissue (cancerous tumours, etc)

  • inedible by-products (hooves, hair, etc)

  • indigestible ingredients not fit for human consumption

One doesn’t really know the chemicals and preservatives that are in the processed kibble, even if it says, “preservative-free”. This is because chemicals and preservatives are frequently added at the rendering plant before they reach the manufacturer. There is solid science that proves that fresh foods contain more easily attainable nutrients that those foods that are cooked and processed with preservatives. Cooking food destroys nutrients within the food, so much that companies need to replace those nutrients with synthetic vitamins. Naturally occurring enzymes are lost in the extreme temperature cooking process utilized by most commercial pet food companies. 


This diet increases healthy immune system function, clear skin problems, eliminate allergies and inflammation. Stools be will smaller in volume, firmer and nearly odourless. Gleaming coats, no more “doggy odour”, brighter eyes, no tear stains, increased muscle tone, increased energy and stamina, slower skeletal growth, healthier litters with consistent birth weights. Is there a reason not to feed raw?


Take control!

When you feed a raw diet, you have total control over the quality and quantity of food that your dog eats - you are ultimately increasing your dog’s quality of life and level of health. Your dog will look and feel better.  As a breeder, this is one tool that I have full control to increase the generational health of my breeding stock and puppies that they produce. 


For us, feeding a Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods diet simply just make sense on so many levels. Switching your dogs to this diet will ultimately increase their overall health. A raw diet is well suited for most if not all dogs. It is certainly an option well worth exploring. Hopefully this bit of info will spark your interests needed to make an educated decision in taking control of your dog’s well-being.

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